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Advantages of working with Essay-write. Eye Problem History of Present Illness The patient S.J presents with an eye problem. The patient complains that her eyes have crust potentially from sleeping with contacts still on the left eye. The eye crusts prevent her from wearing contacts again so she is wearing glasses. She explains that the last time she had a change in her eye makeup was three months ago.

Consequently, the patient explains that she used a warm compress to her left eye in the morning before reporting for work. She denies having prior visual problems. Social history The patient works in an office setting. Thus, her working environment is limited to casing eye infections. Further, she caters for herself and her condition does not require additional support. Visual Acuity The patient’s visual acuity with glasses is in the ratio 20/20 for each eye. Furthermore, flourescein stain is negative for corneal abrasion.

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Physical examination Physical examination shows that the left eye is tearing and injected with purulent discharge and crusting at the lower conjunctiva, which is very sensitive to light for papillary testing. The right eye appears normal in appearance. Current medications The patient is currently under a Lo Ovral birth control contraceptive. However, she has no seasonal allergies. Patient Care Intervention Plan The pink eye condition and forming of crusts in the eye may be a type of conjunctivitis.

The symptoms portray which type of conjunctivitis one has. The major causes of conjunctivitis ate infections, allergies and irritation from the environment. Thus, the infection can be either viral, bacterial or allergic infection Viral conjunctivitis is were a virus causes the infection. The virus leads to the secretion of red and watery eyes. However, viral infections also cause sore throats, cold and running nose. Viral conjunctivitis lasts for a few days or weeks then disappears on its own.


Bacterial infections cause eye redness and the release of pus. The eyelids appear glued and shut on awakening. Rarely, bacterial infections lead to little or no discharge other than mild crusting present in the eyelashes upon awakening. Consequently, allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious. The infection only occurs when the eye is exposed to the allergic reaction.

The main symptom of this infection is itching. Further, the infection can lead to eye redness, burning, puffy and tearing eyelids. Moreover, environmental irritants such as smoke can cause conjunctivitis. Environmental irritants can lead to irritation or burning (Edmunds, 2014).


Eye discharge in the morning occurs from a combination of mucus, skin cells, oil and some other debris that piles up in the corner of the eye during sleep. This results into a sticky wet substance present in the eye or a dry crusty discharge. These eye discharges are called eye boogers or eye gunk. This discharge is enhances the removal of waste products and other harmful substances from the front eye surface and the tear film. Normally, the eye produces mucus all through the day.

However, a thin continuous film of tears washes the eye mucus when one blinks. Thus, it removes the eye bloggers before it hardens around the eye forming crusts (Edmunds, 2014).

The presence of eye bloggers in the morning upon awakening is termed normal. However, excessive discharge of the eye bloggers can indicate an eye infection. This is evident if the eye discharge is yellow or green accompanied with light sensitivity, eye pain and blurry vision. If these conditions are noted, one should seek medical intervention.

Consequently, blepharitis is a chronic disorder that affects the eyelids. Blepharitis causes inflammation of the eyelash follicles and abnormal production of oil from the meibomian glands. The dysfunction of the meibomian gland dysfunction causes foamy discharge from the eye, formation of eye pus and eyelid crusting. Similarly, stye is a condition that arises from the clogging of the meibomian gland located at the base of the eyelid.

An infected eyelash follicle usually triggers this condition. This condition can lead to formation of eyelid crusting, discomfort in the eye while blinking, eye redness and secretion of yellow pus.

Moreover, insufficient production of tears by the meibomian glands can lead to the dry eyes syndrome. This condition occurs due to lack of eye lubrication. This condition leads to a burning sensation, bloodshot, redness and blurry vision in the eye (Gerstenblith & Rabinowitz, 2012).

Clinical intervention The infrequency of eye discharge consistency can lead to an eye infection. If an infection is the cause of the eye infection, then the doctor will mostly prescribe antiviral eye drops, ointments or antibiotics. Over-the counter antihistamine can be used to treat eye allergies. However, the patient presents with a dry eye condition.


People who use contact lenses mostly produce more eye bloggers than people who do not wear contact lenses. This is because contact lenses cause a contact lens related eye infection, irritated eyes and eye discomfort caused by dry eyes.

Are Custom Essay Services Legalzoom Reviews Wills Eye Doctors Near Me

Patients with this condition are advised to remove the contact lenses and seek medical help. The treatment for the patient condition will entail delayed treatment to trigger normal reconstruction of the dry eye condition. Since the disease was acquired on the short term, the body can reconstruct the tear glands without treatment. However, the patient will be advised to add over the counter lubricant eye drops. Further, good practices such as refraining from touching the eyes until the eye infection is over. Consequently, patients are also advised to wash their hands more frequently to avoid spreading of germs to the eye.

Are custom essay services legalzoom reviews wills eye doctors near me

The patients should refrain from wearing contact lenses until the condition gets back to normal. Further, patients are advised to gently remove crusts from their eyes using wet material (Gerstenblith & Rabinowitz, 2012). Nevertheless, after these healthy practices, if the patient still has the eye infection after one week, then antibiotics therapy is necessary. However, antibiotic therapy is not recommended for mild eye infections because it can increase the risks for conjunctivitis.